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May 19th

2pm – 3pm

Spirit Gallery

Experience Mediumship Readings with John Cappello

More Information Below


Per Person

Seating is limited for this event. Use this link to register:

Event Description: A Spirit Gallery is a public demonstration of the continuity of life by sensing the energy of individuals who have crossed over into the Spirit World. A connection with a lost loved one can be a very healing and joyous event when the personality and presence of a spirit are verified during a session.

During the Spirit Gallery, there will be an attempt to give everyone a reading. However, if a spirit is not sensed, the reading may only be a psychic reading.

The difference between a mediumship reading and a psychic reading is that a mediumship reading involves an identified spirit around a participant while a psychic reading is only about the participant and the energy around them.

About John: John Cappello M. B. A. is a renowned psychic medium who has been using his gifts to help people connect with their loved ones who have passed away. Born and raised in Dallas, Texas, John discovered his gifts after the death of his father and has become one of the most sought-after mediums in the country. He was voted the number one male psychic and number two medium in the United States in 2017.

John’s unique approach to mediumship blends his intuitive abilities with his business background to provide his clients with insights and guidance that are both comforting and practical. He is known for his compassionate and empathic nature, and for his ability to convey messages from the other side with clarity and accuracy.

In addition to his private readings, John has appeared on numerous television programs, podcasts, and radio shows. He hosts “The Psychic Side” on the A1R Psychic Radio Network on Tuesdays at 5:00 PM Eastern. He is a sought-after speaker and workshop leader and has helped countless people to find peace, closure, and healing through his work as a medium. For more information go to

5/19 Free Talks

Join a unique group of our exhibitors as they share their wisdom and insights as leaders in their fields. Learn more about what our group of speakers are offering at the Fair as they share with you during a 30 minute presentation. This month, these talks will be held inside the venue in the Green Room. Read descriptions of each presentation below.

Enter the Green Room via the stage. Seating is limited. Free admission to each presentation unless otherwise noted.

12:40pm – 1:10 pm

“Finally Resolving Chronic Fatigue & Brain Fog” w/ Ken Kehs


  • Understand why previous methods weren’t successful
  • Learn the most important step to recovery
  • Coach Ken will provide you with a successful approach

About Ken: Coach Ken has walked the path from tired, sick, and desperate for answers to being healthy, full of energy, and truly excited about his life again.

He uses the same proven methods and cutting-edge tools that helped him restore his health to empower others to increase their energy, regain their brain function and live the vibrant life they deserve!

Certified Primal Health Coach
Certified Toxicity and Detox Specialist
Certified Emotion Code Practitioner

Visit Coach Ken’s Website

1:20pm – 1:50 pm

“Accessing our Higher Self’s Messages Through Quantum Healing Hypnosis (QHHT)” w/ Stela Sharp

Description: Our Higher Self speaks to us through our Body, but nobody gave us the Translation Manual! Our Higher Self is the eternal, all-knowing part of us which has the answers to all of our BIG life questions and struggles.  It can provide healing to any physical illness or pain, emotional or mental trauma, and any other issue that may be plaguing us and affecting the quality of our lives!  In this captivating talk, Stela will discuss how we can open the communication line to our Higher Self and tap into its infinite intelligence and healing powers through Quantum Healing Hypnosis (QHHT). Come join us to discover the transformative and life-changing potential of QHHT, which can save you years of soul-searching and guide you towards a life of happiness and bliss, in true alignment with your Soul’s Plan!

About Stela: Stela Sharp is a Level 2 QHHT Practitioner of Dolores Cannon’s Method of Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT).  Through her QHHT work with clients locally and internationally, she has facilitated and witnessed many miracles and powerful healing, both in her own and her colleagues’ QHHT sessions.  Her desire is to spread awareness and knowledge of this incredibly powerful and healing modality which has changed the lives of thousands of people around the world. Stela holds in-person client sessions in her home studio in Sunset, TX.

Visit Stela’s Website

3:20pm – 3:50 pm

“Inviting the Mystic w/ Rev. Patricia LaDale Lane

Description: Join Patricia Lane, Author, Storyteller, Speaker and Licensed Reiki Master Teacher while she takes you on a profound journey of healing around mystical experiences and the magical guidance she has written about in her book, The Angel’s Orchestra – A Little Book that takes you on a Big Spiritual Journey.

About Patty: Patricia LaDale Lane, BMsc is a Licensed Master Reiki Teacher through the International Center of Reiki Training, author, speaker, and a Spiritual Transformation Life Coach. Her ministry is a Spiritual one and her passion is teaching women to develop their intuitive gifts so they can heal and empower themselves.

She holds a Bachelor’s degree in metaphysics from The University of Sedona. She also lectures and teaches workshops based on her personal experiences and the teachings in her book, “The Angel’s Orchestra – A Little Book about a Big Spiritual Journey.”

Visit Patty’s Website

4:00pm – 4:30 pm

“Sacred Connections” w/ Elise Adam

Description: Join Elise as she helps you understand the Power of Soulmates, Karmic Partners, Past Life Connections & Twin Flames. You will have the opportunity to look at your own Journey and connect the dots on past experiences when it comes to Romantic Relationships in this Lifetime.

About Elise: Elise says, “Growing up I always felt different than everyone else, I was always the outsider looking in. In my teens, I began to feel other people’s emotions on an epic level! I knew if they were happy, sad, angry, lost or confused. I was able to see their pain, what caused it, if they would over come it and how they would overcome it. 

In 2017, I became aware that I was on a Twin Flame Journey and my life was completely altered there forward! I began diving into the realm of Metaphysics to better understand what was occurring as honestly, I thought I was going crazy! In 2018, I experienced the phenomena of a huge Spiritual Awakening. As this happened, my psychic abilities increased immensely, and I lost my corporate job – all within seven days!  I embraced my psychic gifts and abilities. I studied them, took classes, practiced them and began utilizing them to help bring healing to others. 

I served in the Christian arena for over 25 years as a counsellor, speaker, mentor and teacher. I am humbled to combine all of this experience with my psychic abilities to bring Healing and Guidance to other Souls – Guiding You to Peace, Freedom and Your Highest Path.”

Ways that I utilize my abilities for you:

  • Psychic Readings
  • Intuitive Tarot & Oracle Readings
  • Chakra Energy Readings
  • Twin Flame Readings & Coaching
  • Love/Relationship Readings with Coaching
  • Spiritual Wellness Readings with Coaching

Visit Elise’s Website

4:40pm – 5:10 pm

“Gathering of Angels: Meet your Guardian Angel” w/ Jason Carlson, CQTP/I

Description: Are you interested in connecting with the Divine in a deeper way? Our Angels each have a divine purpose and specialties and are here to lovingly assist us if we ask. Enhance your life by learning how to build and strengthen these bonds of unconditional love and divine guidance, custom-made just for you.

Jason will explain the process of connecting deeper with our Angels and then will guide the group in an exercise to each meet and experience the presence of their Guardian Angel.

About Jason: Jason is a Quantum-Touch Level 1 & 2 Instructor, Gathering of Angels Instructor and the Director & Co-Founder of the Holistic Fair. As a natural teacher and a Practitioner of Healing, his heart’s desire is to lovingly assist others along their own path and growth processes with empowerment and clarity.

Visit Jason’s Website