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Free Talks

Join a unique group of our exhibitors as they share their wisdom and insights as leaders in their fields. Learn more about what our group of speakers are offering at the Fair as they share with you during a 30 minute presentation. This month, these talks will be held inside the venue in the Green Room. Read descriptions of each presentation below.

Enter the Green Room via the stage. Seating is limited. Free admission to each presentation unless otherwise noted.

12:40pm – 1:10 pm

“Utilizing Plants to Manifest Your Desires” w/ Charlie Hilliard

Description: We have used plants for thousands of years to cure ailments. We also gave plants meanings towards manifestation. Some of these meanings directly correlate with their benefits! Learn how to use plants in your daily life to manifest your desires whether they be health, psychic, emotional, or something more. 

About Charlie: Charlie Hilliard is an author who co-owns the non-profit All Writers Online Workshop as well as owns the company Green Witch’s Brew. She uses plants on a daily basis in her tea making as well as local honey infusions. While constantly looking for new articles to read and research to delve into, she is an eternal learner. 

Visit Charlie’s Website

1:20pm – 1:50 pm

“Upgrading the Nervous System: Experiencing More Love and Connection” w/ Dr. Jason Dixon, D.C.

Description: Through life’s challenges and trauma, our nervous systems can become conditioned for survival and defense, limiting our expression and experience of genuine connection, love, and passion. Learn simple techniques to step through the stress response and open the heart to more love. Dr. Jason will demonstrate a powerful healing modality that upgrades the nervous system for a more authentic expression and connection to love.

About Dr. Jason Dixon, D.C.: From a young age, Dr. Jason knew he was sensitive to the energy field that surrounds us and is within our bodies. Growing up, he knew he wanted to help people become better, so they could collectively raise the energy and vibration of the world. He just didn’t know how.

One day he was considering his future with his best friend and kicking around ideas of what he could do with his life. His friend looked at him and said, “Jason, if you want to help people, become a chiropractor.”

Dr. Jason felt that statement resonate deep within his soul and knew from that day he had to become a chiropractor. 

Every decision he made, every step he took, was to take him closer to becoming a chiropractor. Before he knew it, he was heading to Parker University to study for his Doctor of Chiropractic.

All of the hard work and sacrifices was well worth it! He gets to share his gifts, which help Practice Members align with themselves, their creator, and their soul, so they can live the life of their dreams. 

Visit Dr. Jason’s Website

2:00pm – 2:30 pm

“The Power of Authenticity” w/ Sherry Coffman

Description: Would you like to live with more power & passion? Join Sherry for this talk where she’ll guide you in exploring how you can strengthen the connection to your authentic Self and access more personal power. During the 30 minutes together, she’ll share key elements and techniques that she has used for herself and that have helped her clients live more powerful, joyful lives.

About Sherry: Sherry Coffman is a lover of nature, author, intuitive healer and master teacher. She is inspired by those things that support a strong connection to her authentic essence. Sherry brings a heart energy to her sessions with clients that creates a loving space for transformation. Using her intuitive & empathic strengths, she flows through an organic combination of modalities to achieve the highest possible outcome. She is a Reiki Master Teacher, certified DNA Theta Healing® Instructor, certified Aroma Freedom Technique Instructor and has served as a Self-Expression Leadership Program Coach. Sherry brings decades of experience and wisdom in helping others to live more empowered lives and designs unique workshops for this purpose.

Visit Sherry’s Website

2:40pm – 3:10 pm

“How do Fingerprints give us Soul Guidance & Life Direction?” w/ Barbara Gale

Description: Barbara Gale works with the palms and fingerprints for life direction clarity and guides you toward self empowerment. Our fingerprint patterns represent the soul lessons and personality growth to be learned and mastered during our life journey. Barbara mentors how to live in flow with your gifts and life purpose from this map along with intuitive guidance.

Learn more… with a live demonstration of what you can learn from your hands.

About Barbara: Barbara has read hands for over 12 years and trained with The International Institute of Hand Analysis, founded by Richard Unger. She teaches scientific palmistry classes and other spiritual practices for personal evolution.

Visit Barbara’s Website

3:20pm – 3:50 pm

“Key to Self Healing & World Peace” w/ Alisa Alexander Sakal

Description: Join Alisa as she shares a daily meditation practice using the breath and your intention to relax your body and mind while cultivating loving energy. This meditation practice guides your day to be more aware of your spirit, to become more compassionate, content and focused. This meditation practice is also the portal to healing yourself and others from various conditions.

About Alisa: Alisa has been a licensed masseuse for over 13 years and she enjoys customizing a variety of styles to achieve great results. She also enjoys exploring the movement aspect of healing which has helped fulfill her life. She offers a variety of small group movement classes because she is convinced that everyone has a movement practice that brings them joy. You just have to find it and it is her intention to facilitate that process in a way that’s fun and collaborative rather than competitive.

Visit Alisa’s Website

4:00pm – 4:30 pm

“Dreams” w/ Sandy Winnette

Description: Sandy Winnette’s dreams have always come true over time. As a time traveler she has visited the future and had the future visit her. Join Sandy in this exciting presentation and bring a dream with you!

About Sandy: Sandy Winnette is the original creator and instructor of Self Hypnosis classes for the former Fun Ed Adult Edu in Dallas. She guided groups as well as private practice sessions with outstanding reviews – fun and informative.

Visit Sandy’s Website

4:40pm – 5:10 pm

“Meet your Guardian Angel” w/ Jason Carlson, CQTP/I

Description: Are you interested in connecting with the Divine in a deeper way? Our Angels each have a divine purpose and specialties and are here to lovingly assist us if we ask. Enhance your life by learning how to build and strengthen these bonds of unconditional love and divine guidance, custom-made just for you.

Jason will explain the process of connecting deeper with our Angels and then will guide the group in an exercise to each meet and experience the presence of their Guardian Angel.

About Jason: Jason is a Quantum-Touch Level 1 & 2 Instructor, Gathering of Angels Instructor and the Director & Co-Founder of the Holistic Fair. As a natural teacher and a Practitioner of Healing, his heart’s desire is to lovingly assist others along their own path and growth processes with empowerment and clarity.

Visit Jason’s Website